Merode Altarpiece


Artist:  Robert Campin 


                   I am drawn to this piece of art and I would like to own something extraordinary as this, I really like the richness of the oil and the complexity that oil lends to a painting as well as the religious symbolism that is used. Oil is flexible as it lends itself to be applied thick and also fine so that the details can be honed in.

     I like the triptych panel work as it makes me feel like I'm in a story. The details of this painting are outstanding. There are so many symbolic and religious themes in this piece that I feel like you could stare at this piece of art for a while and find subjective abstract thoughts and feelings, but ultimately this piece is a religious piece of art and is ranked one of the greatest renaissance paintings of Northern Europe and it is a highly celebrated Netherlandish painting. 

    This work was created in 1427-1428.  This art is not an example of humanism, because it is such a religious painting. The middle shows when Gabriel the angel visits Mary to tell her she will be the mother of Jesus. I think this painting is influenced by royalty because the Netherlands was one of the most sophisticated regions in Europe during the 15th century where Dukes governed and they also lived there. Costly materials and sophisticated workmanship was used as a reflection of wealth and status.                 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The triptych format really is used to interesting effect here! I like that, while each panel clearly depicts a different location, the framing walls and consistent linear perspective tie them together as if these rooms were side by side.

    Mary's calm demeanor in the midst of the angel also gave me a good laugh. "I'm to give birth to the son of God you say? That's nice. Can I get back to this book? I was just getting to the good part."

    In spite of the religious themes, I personally see a lot of Humanism in this painting. I think the relaxed demeanors of the human subjects and overall sense of serenity express Humanist values.

    I'm also a fan of the distant details visible through the doorways and windows. I'll have to check out more of Campin's work.

  3. When I learned what a triptych was it was like an 'Aha!' moment for me, as I've seen them plenty of times before but never knew their background, how they were created. It's kind of amazing how the arts selected so many related biblical scenes almost as though you could put them in order to tell the whole story. Personally I was a fan of Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights triptych, if it were a novel it would be pretty compelling.


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